Christmas Card Mini Sessions...

November 05, 2012  •  Leave a Comment
Three families. One beautiful afternoon in downtown OKC. Me. My camera. And a few props. All add up to equal some great moments caught on camera.

I held my first ever "Mini Sessions" a couple Saturdays ago. It was way fun, and exhausting. Two major lessons learned:
1. Dressing professional to do my shoots is a must, but I am also thinking that a segway is a must as well.
2. A granola bar after the 2nd shoot would have been helpful. I don't do good on an empty stomach. (But, I had been reading the Hunger Games, and if Katniss can survive so can I!)

My first family session was with the Regesters. Three cute little boys with no lack of smiles. They did so wonderful. I had them sit at a table and the youngest told a story, and he had some sort of monologue memorized! It was amazing! This is a beautiful family and I was glad for the chance to shoot these memories for them...

Second family up was the Stacy family. My hubs and I have had their three youngest kiddos in class at church when they were a bit younger, and I was so glad to get to spend this 30 minutes with them again! I was greeted with hugs, and it just doesn't get much better than that. This is an absolutely beautiful  and sweet family, and I have been waiting for a chance to do their photos for awhile now, and was so glad to finally do them! Their eyes! Oh my! Just wait and see... 

Lastly were my good friends, the Geis family. 

I was glad I knew this last family so well, because as previously stated, I was in need of some foods. I always drink coffee before my sessions, and the combo of caffeine, running around the gardens, and it being dinner time, made me a bit on the light headed and loopy side. But, I will able to power through and get some photos. Some pretty dang good ones too, which is 10% because of my doing and about 90% because of theirs. 

I had prepared little signs for each of my families to hold. It family would hold signs that would be a line from a popular Christmas song. The Geis family got: "Peace on earth Goodwill to men." When I handed the youngest her sign, which was "on" she said, "Oh, I get 'NO'." We laughed, cause she was just reading it upside down. I gave this family this particular phrase with the word "peace" in it so that I could do a shot of, shall we say, "real life" of them all being crazy and "real." Well, when the youngest called her "on" sign "no" I had the idea to hold up the signs "no peace" after the original. It turned out great and perfectly "real." Love this family...

Thank you Regester, Stacy, and Geis Family! 

Total photos in 2012: 1,625


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