The Fun Flowers Family...

May 01, 2012  •  Leave a Comment
Saturday night was the opening night of the Playoff's here in OKC Thunder town, with a real thunderstorm looming, and I had a family photo session planned for 7:00PM. I was hopeful that the skies would stay nice and cloudy for us without any rain and virtually no wind until our session was complete! Praise the Lord it did! I met the beautiful Flowers family at Will Rogers Park. This park is a new location for me to shoot in. I took my three kiddos to it the week before the shoot to scope it out, and I was blown away by how amazing this place was! I am a sucker for nature and rickety old bridges, what can I say?

      On a personal note about the location... I had just been going through some old photos and found one of me and my beautiful mom when I was only about 3. We were sitting in front of some yellow flowers and a Will Rogers Statue, well I found said statue as I scoped out the place with my kiddos. There was a cool feeling about being in this place that I was in so long ago with my mom, and grandparents (My papa took the photo with his amazing film camera with the leather case, I remember that thing so well).

   OK, back to this wonderful family that hired me to do their family photos... The Flowers. We found each other on the grounds of the park (after a bit of a search) and realized that we were not ALONE! Yea, it was definitely the place to be to take photos for Prom! I resisted the urge to hand out my card to all of them, SHAMELESS PLUG ALERT: My turn around on my photos can be VERY quick if need be, so if you know any procrastinating Seniors that have not had their photos done yet, tell em about me! :) SHAMELESS PLUG IN NOW COMPLETE.

   We dodged the Prom-mers and started our session. I had a plan mapped out, and we tried to take advantage of the natural beauty that was there, as well as using some of the old structures that looked like they had been there since before I was three for sure! I am still working on how to have a good dialogue with my clients during our session, a productive dialogue that allow them to feel comfortable with me, and for me to try to bring some joy and emotion out of them, which makes the best photos. This family played into my hand so well. Their laughter and reactions to each other made some of the best moments of the session.

   Thank you so much Flowers family for the privilege of helping you capture some moments in your lives. I am very grateful for the chance and hope I can serve you in the future as well! As always, I leave you with a few of my personal favorites from the session...

2012 PHOTOS in 2012 TOTAL: 530!!!


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