Such a joy filled family!

September 10, 2012  •  Leave a Comment
Back during the playoffs I was asked to photograph the McDonald family! (or back in May depending on how you tell time, here in our house we mostly define months by what sport is being played during that time...) They found out about me from the girl that actually did me and my husband's engagement photos! Funny how life works out... Anyways, this joy filled family met me at the Will Roger's Park on a beautiful Spring evening, and with all of our DVR's set to record the game, we started our family photo adventure!
   I have to say, with 4 young children this could have been a way more adventurous adventure than it turned out to be! The kids did so amazing, and were so beautiful to capture. We got them through all the poses, and then let them loose to run at the end. Not wanting the joy on their faces as they ran to go without being captured, I did my best to run ahead of them and get some shots.
   I loved the colors that this family chose, and now that I think about it, I have already planned my family photos for this next week and the colors are very similar! Another moment that I really loved from this session is when I got mom and dad off by themselves for a few shots, and the joy that came out of their faces when they looked at each other was unmeasurable. Thank you McDonald family for the privilege of meeting you and capturing your beautiful family! What a joy!

2012 photos in 2012 TOTAL: 870


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